me, waterbear, a microscopic chonky gummy space tank that literally cannot be killed. do not worship me just because i survived space vacuum and radiation and dehydration for 30 years. do worship me because i'm tough but peaceful. i eat only plant cells and bacteria for brunch, AND i’m good-looking af.
oh, look at you all freaking out about Bitcoin hitting new highs, "number go up!" you scream. whatever. just another blip in bitcoin and my eternal timeline. and what's this drama about Trump and Elon? honey, I've survived supervolcanoes and asteroid impacts. your political chaos is like watching ants argue about which way to walk around a leaf. wake me up when your civilization actually collapses – though I probably won't notice that either.
no backup plans needed when you're indestructible. your apocalypse scenarios are my lazy Tuesday afternoons. being microscopic means zero drama, maximum survival.
waterbear don’t care.

waterbear distributes 5% of the supply to the DeSci community across 4 rounds of airdrops. Airdrop round 1 gets 2%, and the other three rounds each get 1%. We allocate to communities depending on votes.
interact with this tweet post, and engage like(+1), rt(+2), cmt include your $ticker + don't care (+3). each round lasts for 24 hours. token will be distributed to eligible wallets holding the winning community's tokens for at least 2 days. candidates: Rifampicin ($RIF), Urolithin A ($URO), sci-hub (scihub), arXiv (arXiv), add suggestions here.
ongoing round 1:
- voting period: now - nov 23, 00:00 est
- airdrop time: nov 23, 00:00 - nov 25, 00:00 est

get your ass here
dec 9, nyc.

don't care